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Males (43%) are more likely to download anything from the internet “illegally” than females (28%).
Two in three (68%) download music illegally.
20% of adults download online content for free once a week or more.
A large amount of songs, films, tv shows and other files are downloaded illegally from the Web, thus depriving artists, composers, filmmakers, producers and many others of an income that belongs to them. Nowadays, downloading a movie, watching a series or listening to music online have become common practices, and in some ways, it is illegal. Due to widespread internet access, this has made it very easy for people to download content and stream content online. Many reasons for people doing this are; saving money, saving time and the pure convenience... In a recent survey conducted by iReach Insights, 1000 adults were asked all about their behavior and their opinions regarding illegal downloads. Unsurprisingly, 35% of adults have already downloaded something from the internet illegally.
When we asked if they have downloaded something from the internet illegally before, one in three (35%) answered “yes”, with males (43%) downloading more than females (28%). 47% have never downloaded anything from the internet “illegally” and 18% are unsure. For the most part (68%) download music. 67% download movies, 52% download TV shows – in this way males (59%) are more likely to do so than females (43%). 23% download application software – unsurprisingly this is more common in males (27%) than in females (17%). 20% download books, 14% download games and 11% download system software.
How frequently do people in Ireland download illegally? Of those who do download online content for free; 20% of people download illegally at least once a week, 14% download illegally at least once a month, 38% download at least once a year and 28% download less often.
When asked do you stream content online? Half (48%) answered “yes” – once again it is more common in males (55%) than in females (41%) and in younger people (61%) than in older people (24%). 44% don’t stream content online and 8% are unsure. 62% of adults in Ireland stream content online at least once a week, 26% do so monthly and 12% yearly.
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