Wednesday 22 January 2020

Gangland Crime Activities in Ireland.

In January 2020, iReach conducted a survey on adults in Ireland to understand their awareness surrounding recent gangland activity and to recognise the impact these crimes have on the lives of the respondents.

93% of respondents had heard about recent gangland violence in Ireland.

76% agreed that gangland violence has gotten out of control in Ireland. In Ulster (ROI), a greater number (83%) of respondents agreed that gangland violence has gotten out of control in Ireland.

84% agreed that violent crime will spill over into the lives of innocent people, however, 91% of respondents in the rest of Leinster agreed that violent crime will spill over into the lives of innocent people. 

3 in 10 adults feared for their safety due to gangland violence, however this figure was significantly higher among those aged between 18-24, with 52% agreeing they feared for their safety due to gangland violence.

44% of respondents agreed that Ireland is no longer a safe place to live. 

9 in 10 adults agreed that punishment for gangland crime should be more severe. Furthermore, 85% of those surveyed agreed that laws should be passed to make crime gang membership illegal.

About iReach Insights

iReach Insights provides a range of research and market intelligence services in Ireland and Europe. iReach has built a Consumer Decisions Research Panel of 40,000 members in Ireland, delivering robust research insights. The survey questions were included in the Nationally Representative iReach Consumer Decisions Omnibus run between the 17th – 21st January and has a 3% Confidence Interval and 95% Confidence Level.

Questions asked of participants:
Have you heard about recent gang violence in Ireland? (Yes/No/Unsure)

To what extent do you agree/ disagree with the following?
•             Ireland is no longer a safe place to live
•             Violent crime will spill over into the lives of innocent people
•             Gangland violence is out of control in Ireland
•             I fear for my safety because of gangland violence
•             Laws should be passed to make crime gang membership illegal
•             Punishment for gangland crime

iReach Insights Limited – Temple Hall, Temple Road, Blackrock, CO. Dublin, IRELAND.
iReach Managing Director: Oisin Byrne
T: 01-214 3740 or email:

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