Friday 9 March 2018

71% of people in Ireland celebrate Mother’s Day 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 🎁 💞

iReach Insights Press Release

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  • More females (81%) than males (60%) celebrate Mother’s Day in Ireland.
  • 74% of adults in Ireland think it is still very difficult for women to have children and to do well in their career.
  • On average, people think 31 is the ideal age for a woman to become a mother and succeed in her career.

Mother’s Day is coming up this Sunday and with that in mind iReach Insights conducted nationally representative survey and 1,000 adults were asked about them about Mother’s Day and opinions about being a mother Ireland.

The majority (71%) of people in Ireland celebrate Mother’s Day and 83% will even get a present for their mother. Looking at male vs. females, more females (81%) celebrate this Mother’s Day more so than men (60%).

The TOP 5 presents for Mother’s Day are: 1. Card (68%), 2. Flowers (58%), 3. Voucher (30%), 4. Taking her out (28%) and 5. Chocolates/Sweets (25%). Of those who are giving a present to their mothers on Mother’s Day (83%), the average spend per person is €41 for a Mother’s Day present.

What age would be an ideal age to become a mother and succeed in a career nowadays? If a woman wants to succeed in her career, 35% think the ideal age to become a mother is between 25-30 years, 35% think the ideal age is 30-35 years. The average ideal age to become a mother in Ireland: 31 years old (30.5 years). Males think the ideal is slightly younger than females on average: Males 30 years. Females 31 years.

Furthermore, 74% think it is still very difficult for women to have children and to do well in their career. Not surprising, the majority of women (85%) agree to that, but only 63% of men in Ireland. Considering these results, it is not surprising that the majority (76%) state the Irish government should do more to support mothers.

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