Thursday, 25 July 2019

3 in 5 adults believe nuclear energy is unsafe and shouldn’t be invested in.

iReach Insights Press Release

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25th July 2019

3 in 5 adults believe nuclear energy is unsafe and shouldn’t be invested in. 

Females 20% more likely to believe nuclear energy is unsafe. Males 15% more likely to support Ireland investing in nuclear energy

Common responses to how nuclear energy makes people feel were: 1. Nervous (50%), 2. Anxious (38%), and 3. Scared (32%)

18-34 year olds are the most likely (42%) to believe that nuclear energy is safe, but the least likely to support investing in it (36%)

The Irish government has become increasingly focused on exploring energy alternatives, in order to supply the country with safe, sustainable, and renewable energy for cheap. With this in mind, iReach Insights conducted a nationally representative survey of 1,001 Irish adults on opinions on the potential of nuclear energy being used in Ireland.

3 in 5 adults (61%) believe nuclear energy is unsafe. Females (72%) are more likely than males (49%) to view nuclear energy as unsafe. Those aged 18-34 were the most likely to believe nuclear energy is safe (42%), compared to 35-54 year-olds (38%) and those over 55 (37%).

Of those who believed nuclear energy was safe, the top two reasons were: 1. New technology makes it safer (74%) and 2. Proper regulation can make it safe (73%). Of those who believed nuclear energy was unsafe, the top two reasons were: 1. Nuclear accidents could happen again (84%) and 2. Human error makes the process dangerous (73%).

When asked how the idea of nuclear energy makes people feel, the top three most common responses were: 1. Nervous (50%), 2. Anxious (38%), and 3. Scared (32%).

Overall, 3 in 5 adults (62%) believe that Ireland should not invest in nuclear energy. Males (46%) were more likely than females (31%) to support Ireland investing in nuclear energy. Those 55+ (40%) were the most likely to support investing in nuclear energy compared to 18-34 (36%) and 35-54 (39%) year olds.

Of those who support investing in nuclear energy, the top three reasons were: 1. Low carbon emissions (70%), 2. High energy density (56%), and 3. Extremely reliable (45%). Of those against investing in nuclear energy, the top three reasons were: 1. Nuclear accidents (75%), 2. Radioactive waste is bad for the environment (71%), and 3. Expensive to dispose of radioactive waste (62%). 

About iReach Insights

iReach Insights provides a range of research and market intelligence services in Ireland and Europe. iReach has built a Consumer Decisions Research Panel of 40,000 members in Ireland, delivering robust research insights. The survey questions were included in the Nationally Representative iReach Consumer Decisions Omnibus run between the 4th-11th July and has a 3% Confidence Interval and 95% Confidence Level.

Questions asked of participants:

Do you think Ireland should invest in using Nuclear Energy?
Why do you think Ireland should utilize Nuclear Energy?
Why do you think Ireland should NOT utilize Nuclear Energy?
Do you think nuclear energy is safe?
Why do you think nuclear energy is safe?
Why do you think nuclear energy is NOT safe?
How would you describe how the idea of nuclear energy makes you feel?

iReach Insights Limited – Temple Hall, Temple Road, Blackrock, CO. Dublin, IRELAND.
iReach Managing Director: Oisin Byrne
T: 01-214 3740 or email:

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