Thursday 16 May 2019

Twice as many females than males in Ireland are scared by an Artificial Intelligence based future

iReach Insights Press Release

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16th May 2019

Twice as many females than males in Ireland are scared by an Artificial Intelligence based future

Top 3 concerns: 1. Higher unemployment rate (54%), 2. Less human face-to-face interaction (52%), 3. Hacking attacks (52%).

Top 3 benefits:1. Dangerous tasks done by machines rather than humans (56%), 2. Improvement of areas that help humans, e.g. medicine or police (50%), 3. Tedious tasks being done by machines (44%).

Most wanted AI applications: 1. Devices (e.g. robots) that clean the home on their own (46%), 2. Smart home devices (44%) and 3. Systems that provide home security (33%).

80% believe that smart homes will become more popular in the future.

Machines that subjugate humans and take over world domination - in many science fiction films, artificial intelligence is portrayed as something dangerous. But what do adults in Ireland think and feel about this topic? In order to find this out iReach Insights conducted a nationally representative survey on 1,001 adults in Ireland on their attitudes towards Artificial Intelligence (AI).
This research revealed, that only 24% of the adults in Ireland consider themselves as being knowledgeable about Artificial Intelligence.  This lack of knowledge seems to increase by age: twice as many of those aged 55+ (29%) have stated that they have no knowledge at all compared to those aged 18-34 (15%).

Nevertheless, over half of the population (55%) believe that Artificial Intelligence already has a noticeable impact on their daily life or will have at least within the next 5 years. This prospect seems to evoke mixed feelings in the population, and particularly among the women. Twice as many females (22%) than males (10%) indicated that they are scared by an AI future. In contrast, three times as many males (27%) as females (13%) stated that they are optimistic about the prospect of an AI based future.

Top 5 benefits that people believe could be positive effects of an AI based future are the following: 1. Dangerous tasks done by machines rather than humans (56%), 2. Improvement of areas that help humans, e.g. medicine or police (50%), 3. Tedious tasks being done by machines (44%), 4. Reduction in human error (40%), and 5. Less accidents (31%).

On the other hand, Top 5 negative effects that people assume could be resulting from an AI based future are: 1. Higher unemployment rate (54%), 2. Less human face-to-face interaction (52%), 3. Hacking attacks (52%), 4. Losing control over personal information/ data (43%), and 5. ‘Machine learning’ replacing ‘human learning’ (42%).

Moreover, participants where asked what AI applications they would personally like to use, if they could afford it. The following applications have been cited as the  types of AI people in Ireland would be likely to use: 1. Devices (e.g. robots) that clean the home on their own (46%), 2. Smart home devices, e.g. smart thermostat or voice responsive light switch (44%) and 3. Systems that provide home security, e.g. unlocking doors for approved people (33%).

In fact, 80% believe that smart homes will become more popular in the future. 

    About iReach Insights

    iReach Insights provides a range of research and market intelligence services in Ireland and Europe. iReach has built a Consumer Decisions Research Panel of 40,000 members in Ireland, delivering robust research insights. The survey questions were included in the Nationally Representative iReach Consumer Decisions Omnibus run between the 11th and the 15th March and has a 3% Confidence Interval and 95% Confidence Level.

    Questions asked of participants:

    How knowledgeable are you about artificial intelligence(AI)?
    How long do you think will it take until AI has a noticeable impact on your daily life?
     ​How do you feel about the prospect of an AI future?
    Which of the following do you believe could be the benefits of an AI based future?
    Which of the following AI application would you personally like to use, if you could afford it? 
    Please state how much you agree or disagree with the following statements.

    iReach Insights Limited – Temple Hall, Temple Road, Blackrock, CO. Dublin, IRELAND.

    iReach Managing Director: Oisin Byrne
    T: 01-214 3740 or email:

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